Thursday, January 14, 2010

Did Hillary hit the nail on the head regarding those who complain about everything Obama does?

';If Barack Obama walked on water they'd complain that he didn't know how to swim.';

- Secretary of State Hillary R. ClintonDid Hillary hit the nail on the head regarding those who complain about everything Obama does?
That is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Good for her.

And, yeah, she is definitely correct.Did Hillary hit the nail on the head regarding those who complain about everything Obama does?
If Obama walked on water, I would seriously wonder if he was actually even human or not.

No, the fact that she even made that statement gave her a cushion for the fact that we all know he couldn't and can't walk on water and this way, in a sense, it's known that ';those who complain about what obama does'; is actually something worth complaining about. Because it's more realistic.
Quoting Hillary Clinton isn't too bright considering many of the same things people gripe about when it comes to Obama she started during the campaign...she was the first one to mention his birth certificate and she was the one saying if he got a 3am phone call he wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do and shes the first to dog his mention of a health care plan...odd how once he put her in his Cabinet she now thinks he can walk on water, huh?
Your question implies we don't have much substantive to complain about regarding Obama. In that case you must be delusional.

Obama is, in the least, a closet socialist, with tendencies bordering on Communism and the facets of a Communist state. He's made huge headway in nationalizing the banks, and taken over one of the biggest corporations in America: GM. For the one-two-three punch he's trying to ram his crappy socialist health care down our throats. No thanks. I've had my taste of crappy ';universal health care'; here in Europe, where I currently reside. The good doctors simply maintain their private practice while regular schmucks like you and I have to contend with the same dolts that swell the ranks of the HMOs.

Once the government takes control of health care, they will steadily raise your taxes until we end up like France. Do you know what the average person in France pays in income taxes? FIFTY PERCENT of income. Wow, really dwarfs the benefit of that ';free'; health care, now doesn't it?

Obama promised ';transparency'; regarding himself and everyone in his administration, and yet he has not released important records people want to see; first and foremost his REAL birth certificate. Yes, a real one can be produced. Why doesn't he?

Obama promised he would include both sides in the decision making process. What a joke! Not only has he broken yet another process, but he's actually turned into something that previously I thought was impossible: a fascist Communist.

Am I being cutesy with that remark? Not at all. Obama has created more than 30 ';Czars'; who are empowered to do an end-run around Congress, making Congress essentially impotent. This is exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany. He removed the power from the people elected to positions of power. Obama and his cronies are a duplication of the governmental structure Hitler created. Hence, he is the world's first fascist Communist.

Still think we have nothing to complain about?
She hit it right on the head. I mean, honestly, two American citizens were released from a sworn enemy; can't we all just appreciate the good work of all involved in this matter for bringing them home safe? One has to wonder; what is it exactly that these neocons want? If the goal is to protect American lives, didn't the government and Bill Clinton just do that?

I'm glad Hillary laughed it off, besides, John Bolton is one funny looking man.
NO...referring to his ';Messiah Complex'; hurts Obama's feelings!

As for Hillary and her ';NO WMDs';:

Most people know that 50 Russian Mig fighter planes found by British are WMDs...esp Brits who were in London 1943-44. Times change and enemies change. Colon Powell gave $40,000 to the Taliban to NOT plant poppies. Taliban laughed and sold their storehouse of dope but did not plant poppies. The farmers kept on planting since Taliban were not in total control of market. Does that make Colon Powell to be a liar and a was trying what he was TOLD to try. Dozens of Democrats said Iraq had WMDs, one even said Hussein was a mass-murderer who would mass-murder again...yet Dems lied on Bush because people BELIEVE a lie told often enough. Youtube is FULL of Dems in 1998-99 saying Hussein had WMDs...even Bill Clinton!

But you can believe whatever you's a free country...for now...but I don't trust Blair Holt Bill HR YOU?
She absolutely did. Our poor republic has become so polarized that neither side can even show respect for the other side's concerns and ideas.

Do the angry, sniping conservatives at least agree with the President's goal for health care, to make sure that all Americans have access to quality and affordable care, even if they do not agree with the method?

Or do the conservatives simply feel that 50 million people in this country should be left to suffer or die?
Don't question the exalted one, even if he is trying to nationalize health care, quadruple the deficit and increase the size and scope of the federal government.

I thought we lived in a country where it was patriotic to criticize the president...or is that only when there is a Republican president. Hypocritical.
i hadnt heard the comment either but i think its a funny way of describing whats happening. i will admit to voting republican in the past but im sick of what they are doing. they cant compromise they are more interested in politics then healing the economy. its this permanenant campaign mode that is hurting them and hurting our country. the freedom works memo shows that they want confusion instead of discussion. im sorry but my healthcare is too important for them to be messing around like this.
Well, Hilary said he wasn't ready as it is not a job that is good for OJT. Hilary is playing politics and sucking up to her boss!! She is now on Mr Obama's payroll. She wasn't when she said the OJT comment.

I would assume you believed in Mr Bush's policies and did not criticize him!! If not, you might be considered somewhat hypocritical. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow.
She's seen the same behaviour before, during the Clinton administration. Bill Clinton bent over backwards trying to cooperate with the right, and the more he reached out to them, the more virulent their attacks.
which is it? dissent is patriotic, or you're a numbskull for dissenting?

HILLARY DOESN'T KNOW, or does she?
Did you know the President Johnson, when faced with all the criticism about him said, ';If they saw me swimming in the Potomac River, they would say, 'Look, he can't walk on water.';

But yes, I agree
I think that is pretty trite considering the man is trying to change this country to socialism. I get the impression that is a great thing to some people but I really don't agree with it whatsoever.
Seems I remember a time when Hillary was just as disgusted with Obama as the rest of us are. Oops, she called him a fraud.鈥?/a>
She dug up Lynddi J.'s grave, pried his jaws open, and pulled the

exact words from his mouth, but yes, she hit said nail.
You mean Hilary the hypocrite....

A little over a year ago I seem to remember Hilary being Obama's biggest critic....

hmmmmmmm... I guess she needed a job more than she needed her integrity.
Nah. I've heard more accurate quotes from her about Obama during her presidential run. Funny how things change.

I just saw that interview. I love Hillary. I like it best when she busted out laughing when the reporter mentioned John Bolton. That was a best.
No, she hit the nail on the head when she said Obama is too inexperienced to be President.
That's really stupid. If he could walk on water, it would not prove that he could swim. Walking on water is not swimming.
Hillary complained about him more then anyone else.
She doesn't own a hammer nor has she been hammered in a number of years. Nor did she make that statement.
So it is true Hillary does think Obama is the Messiah and can walk on water!
And then Barack would blame the republicans for the reason he cant swim.
when she says Obama wants America to be a socialist country like she does then it is hi on the head.
Yes she did. She hit it dead on.
Wasn't she ahead of the line a few months ago telling us he would not be a good president?
Ya Betcha by golly wink wink
That's it in a nutshell.

During the Bush years they called it BDS. And since then PDS.
  • pimple
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