Sunday, January 17, 2010

Try to push a nail into a wooden plank by its try to push the nail by pointed end?

plz give a good answer. i m in big troubleTry to push a nail into a wooden plank by its try to push the nail by pointed end?
First one need application of more thrust/force that may not be sustainable by the nail or wooden plank as it occupies a greater surface area.Second one occupies lesser area and force applied is minimal.Try to push a nail into a wooden plank by its try to push the nail by pointed end?
Now whats yr question here???????????any ways it is easy to push a nail into a wooden plank by its head and it is a bit hard to push the nail by pointed end bcoz the lesser the area the more is the pressure the more is the area the less is the pressure acting on it.If this answer is not related to your question sorry!
in first case d force required is more as the area of crossection of the head is more n second case d end is pointed so crossectional area is less so lesser force is required..
pressure equals force divided by area...pointed end has lesser area so lesser force is required to nail it in plank
WTF are you talking about?

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