Sunday, January 17, 2010

How do I nail someone in the head with a snowball?

Ok this is my brothers view, he has been VICTIMIZED by some guys who threw a snowball at his face OUCH and the ANGER part is that they got the wrong guy cause they thought it was him but it was his friend beside him :| SO he is kinda upset and wants to get those guys back. How do you throw snowballs properly and nail the guys on the head with a shot,considering aim and distance?How do I nail someone in the head with a snowball?
practice practice practiceHow do I nail someone in the head with a snowball?
Sweety tell him to be the bigger person and just let it go !!! Revenge is never a good thing.
hold him down andget a BIGGGG hand of snow and put it in your face. it workkkss(:


you live up northh?? thats cool

You should never do that. Revenge is not the answer. You need to move on.

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