Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Barack Obama hit the nail on the head! What's up with you people?

Are there any intelligent people out there? After listening to all of the bull over the weekend surrounding B. O's comments about small town americans, I have to open my mouth. He is absolutely right. I was born and raised in Pa. For 21 years, I lived in a communty of about 2000. This was a great place where there were 3 major factories, and plenty of other businesses.The economy where I grew up is now non-existent. People have long gone and moved away to have a better life. He was also right about him being a black man in a state that has alot of rural areas. Places where one would NEVER come into contact with anyone african american let alone any other race. My father still lives in Pa. And he is one of those people Obama talked about where gun ownership, and church socials, and maybe an occassional sports game are all these people have left. Tell Hillary, THIS IS REALITY! Learn how to intelligently perceive one's words. All said, I'm not voting in Nov. I'm just tired of the bull!Barack Obama hit the nail on the head! What's up with you people?

by Mark Karlin

Editor and Publisher

April 15, 2008

Dateline: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California

Before you open a door and enter into the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, a large bronze sculpture of a strapping cowboy greets you, with the wide-eyed optimisim of the mythic west, a handkerchief dangling from the back pocket of a pair of jeans, and cowboy hat in hand.

It's called ';After the Ride'; and it is a tribute to Ronald Reagan.

Or make that the myth of Ronald Reagan. Reagan, as the fawning exhibition area that paints a flattering, blemish free portrait of his life unintentionally reveals, went from a childhood and small college upbringing in Illinois to a Hollywood ';B'; film career, to spokesperson for the GE corporation, to Death Valley Days, to the political life that led him to the White House.

The key transition, not noted as such by the library narrative, is when Reagan became the hired front man for GE, hosting a program for them but also going around the country selling the concept that the corporation is a benevolent and positive force in our lives, without any downsides.

Reagan went from a ';B'; movie career to an ';A'; career as a political salesman for corporate wealth and control of the government. In the turbulent social climate of the '60s, his wealthy backers (who regarded him as a prize race horse for a right-wing coup for the super rich and corporate welfare) watched as Reagan won the governorship and masterfully was guided in the use of wedge issues such as ';Guns and God'; to lure the emerging displaced middle class into voting Republican.

Aside from the ';October Surprise,'; when Reagan negotiators allegedly convinced the Iranian mullahs to hold onto our hostages until Reagan's inauguration day (they were literally released after he was sworn in), the GOP had perfected the selling of a myth about America -- and they had the hale and hearty actor to sell the product.

The myth of ';morning in America'; obscured the emerging theft of jobs from the middle class by creating emotional hot buttons for rural and working class voters to gravitate toward: Their values were under attack by liberal extremists, they were repeatedly told. Only the Republicans could save the nation from further moral degradation, the myth went -- and only the GOP could guarantee victory in foreign conflicts (even if the conflicts were often unnecessary and the GOP

failed to achieve ';victory,'; however it might be defined).

Because our perceptions today are so dependent upon television as a source, how one acts as president or senator has superseded, in large part, what one does.

Ronald Reagan made many working class and rural voters proud to be Americans again, but meanwhile, behind the scenes, corporate lobbyists and Reagan's aides (who were really running the show) went about dismantling factories in places like central Pennsylvania and moving them overseas, sometimes -- literally -- in the dark of night.

It was the Republican version of ';Let them eat cake.'; Only, in this case, it was: ';Let them eat God, Guns, and Patriotism.';

This process that began with Reagan's election continued through Bush I -- and to a degree in the Bill Clinton Administration, as he aggressively pursued NAFTA and followed the neo-liberal economic agenda of opening up the gates of exporting jobs in return for larger corporate profits -- and it rocketed ahead in the administration of

Bush II into a juggernaut of betrayal of the middle class.

Hunting and faith are important to many people in rural America and small towns -- as faith is throughout America -- but there has and will be no threat to those core ';values.'; There is no gun control measure with any remote possibility of passing in any state that would affect hunters -- and Democrats and civil libertarians are ardent supporters of the right to follow one's religious beliefs without government interference.

So, Barack Obama's remarks in San Francisco, as borne out by a true understanding of the Ronald Reagan myth, are ultimately true. His mistake was that he said what he said in a way that allowed the twin corporate D.C. insiders -- McCain and Clinton -- to once again demagogue the issue into one of emotion, rather than fact.

And that is what the attack on Obama is about: demagoguery.

I can't save workers from voting against their own economic interests when they vote to defend values that no one is going to take away from them. And I understand that Clinton and McCain are playing on the pride of such displaced members of the middle class. No one wants to be told that they have been duped for nearly 30 years by the wealthy backers of the Republicrats. Rural and small town Pennsylvanians want to feel proud about America and themselves -- and the uproar from the McCain and Clinton camps once again presses the

hot button of dignity, while privately believing in (whatever Clinton is saying on the campaign trail today) policies that will continue to erode the earnings and standard of living of the very people that they claim to be championing.

The media owned by corporate elites has a role in this, too. Last month, the conventional wisdom of the media, for the most part, was that the deteriorating rust belt of Western Pennsylvania had left many former decently paid workers angry and bitter. But, on a dime, the new conventional wisdom, after Obama's remarks, was that it was insulting to say that these same people are angry and bitter. Nothing

says more about the non-factual based reporting of the mainstream press than that sudden conversion, because the mainstream media represents the global corporate interests of its multinational parent companies who reap the profits of moving jobs overseas.

What Obama said was shorthand for this grim reality: no one is really threatening the traditions of hunting, or anyone's faith, or heterosexual marriage. But there are plenty of politicians among the Republicrats -- usually the Republicans, but Hillary Clinton has joined with them on this one -- who exploit the fear that conspiratorial ';leftist'; forces are conspiring to end hunting and religious belief in America. This is the heart of being a demagogue, because it is an appeal to emotion that has no basis in fact. It is how Republicans have won many an election, and how Senator Clinton is now trying, in a last gasp, to obtain the office she has compromised so much of her life pursuing.

As someone who was born and raised in Illinois, and having lived here my adult life, I was always surprised by how little connection Reagan appeared as an adult to have with home state. During his presidency, he rarely returned here, and his persona was tied to the myth of the cowboy, the triumphant rugged conqueror of the West. Illinois was just part of his early biography. He seemed to have no strong

emotional attachment to the very Midwest roots that he so championed. It just didn't fit in with the mythic figure that came out of his films, Western ranch (which was the inspiration for Rove getting Bush to buy his Crawford spread and do a Reagan ';cut the brush'; imitation), and heroic GI movie roles during WW II (which he never actually fought in.)

So we understand that some of the working class who buy clothes at Wal-Mart that they used to make -- because the price is right -- only the blouses and shirts are made in China now -- we understand that they feel insulted by some politician telling them that they've been taken for a ride, that no one is going to stop them from hunting or going to their church, but that the people who peddle that nonsense

to them are allowing corporations to steal their jobs and wallets from right in front of their noses. That's a tough pill to swallow, that you've been swindled for 30 years.

But McCain and Clinton are once again pulling the same Republicrat tricks of playing on emotional vulnerabilities while ignoring the truth surrounding the job heist that is occurring in places like Pennsylvania.

Yes, it is bad political practice to ever say anything that makes a group of potential voters feel that they are being insulted because you're making the claim that they've been had.

But if you want to help those same people out to create a positive future for employment and their standard of living, you can't keep hiding the truth under a rock.

Obama's statement could have been said more fully, and not so elliptically, and that would have explained the difference between respect for traditions and beliefs, and exploitation of those very same characteristics for political gain by those who are exploiting the working class.

But, in the end, as he did with race, Obama is touching upon a third rail of truth that neither party wants to discuss much. The ';K Street Lobbyists'; are very pleased with the masquerade and demagoguery that achieved, and now accelerates, the slide of the middle class towards

a lower class fate.

The working class will have its faith, hunting, and small

town ';values,'; but it can't have them if they don't have jobs.

And after Obama's remarks, they can't say that they weren't warned by an honest politician.Barack Obama hit the nail on the head! What's up with you people?
A lot of people are not intelligent enough or act like they're not intelligent enough to understand what Obama is talking about. I know what he's talking about. I come from a rural area. And people were starting to get bitter before I even left about their financial problems brought about by a changing economy. And when I go back to visit I find them even more upset than they were before I left.
Obama was telling the truth. A person's choice of words may not be pleasing to everyone, but the truth of the fact is clear. It is petty of Billary and McCain to jump on Senator Obama because of a word, which was the truth.

Also, stay encouraged . . . Vote! Everyone did not always have that right.
Obama could say that white people is the best people in the world and your hate would spin those words as condescending. I am glad that their are some intelligent white people out here that knows how to comprehend words without considering them racist. Thanks for giving me some hope.
Severe anger issues, all over people not seeing it ';your way';. Hint: Most people in both parties know he blew it, as he did! Pretending what was said as if it was okay is not what most people who are well adjusted and have values think. And ';short circuiting'; over it only reveals more.
Thank you!

I stay in PA as well and we do have alot of that stuff

%26amp; its not just the white people.

The town i stay in is dead %26amp; everyone moves every cahnce they get

we have reason.

He spoke it real %26amp; Hillary just had the opportunity to try %26amp; bash him again
I lived in northern Michigan where the population was more like 200. We had a bar and a general store (I think that is a law in Michigan to become a town) and we were not bitter when the lumber mill shut down. We got off our asses and did something else. I';m voting.....for McCain.
Lumping all of us small town people into one box is a mistake. We all have varying experiences and view our situations differently. I am not bitter, and I don't cling to guns or to the Bible. Saying we do is just wrong and hurtful.
What other word will the media seek to undermine Obama. The word, ';bitter'; will completely fade before next tuesday's Pa primary. Obama, it's time to bomb Hillary on her character!
I think this clip does a perfect job of illustrating what you're saying:


The whole thing is insane. Talk about nuance... HEAR how he said it as well as what he said.
After posting what you posted, it sure seemed to me that you would be voting for Obama.

Not voting in an election serves absolutely no purpose.

Just one mans opinion..... mine.
Context, he said it to a group of extreme leftists in San Francisco. He was looking down his nose at your father.

Glad you are not voting. That will keep another Republican vote from being cancelled out. Thanks.
This political race has been an absolute mess!
I would vote Condi Rice only if she isn't racist even Powell
McCain 2008

Blame the Dems for that!!!!
Every stereotype has it's basis in fact, yes.

If you have a choice between ranting on Y!A and voting, /vote/.
If I was a tattle-tale like so many around here I'd report a rant.
It is mostly all media..I'm certain the real people in Penn. know what he meant.. ';Cling'; isn't just for peaches.
I know what you mean, I grew up in Ohio and it's the same thing. But, I'm still going to vote.
your right he hit us with a hammer on the head, thats why we vote Hillary
Absolutely right on! I live in one of those towns in Indiana. We have exactly nothing left, not allowed to smoke, can't afford to go anywhere, can't afford to leave, and the church socials don't even exist anymore.

We work, we go home, we sleep. That's it. Oh I forgot to say, this region is the RV capitol of the world, companies are closing left and right and the ones still open don't hire english speaking people.

Heaven forbid anyone acknowledge that circumstances like these lead to a massive amount of apathy, which tends to ummm...';make people turn inward';. I have gone from being a staunch Hillary fan to being Obama all the way.

However if you don't vote don't come back and complain in the next four years. You have a duty to vote and if you don't then take whatever comes.
Are there any intelligent Obama supporters? HERE'S reality! First, you don't insult voters when you're asking for their vote. That's just plain stupid. Second, both you and Obama assume that you are so much more intelligent than the voters that you have to educate us! How then am I able to figure out that you don't insult people whom you need? I don't need you and I certainly don't need Obama and his racist, anti-American, poor leadership and decision-making abilities to educate me. In fact, I have more education than he does and, gosh, I paid for it myself, too. Imagine that?

Thirdly, I'm curious as to why ';clinging'; to religion is so wrong? Now, I realize that Obama didn't chose his church or attend it for religion, but most of us do. That's what religion is for! He not only insulted small town America, he insulted every person in the country who thinks religion is important to their lives, regardless of what religion they belong to--and they all vote.

Finally, I find it interesting how Obama can get off with calling anyone a racist. Isn't that calling the kettle black?
Don't like the game so your not going to play?

I can relate but that's how the bozo's who run our country want it. Fired up and manipulated into kidding yourself truth/patriotism is being realized or aware of the foolishness of it all, and just deciding not to play.

Without getting into it more, the whole process is kinda of intersting. Not so much because of the candidates alone but because it shows (stupidity, intelligence or?) of those who are your citizen comrads.

I think anyone who reads or seeks info from several sources will recognize the falsity of the media and what they do.

What scares /deters me, is the number of people that are duped by it. THIS is how our leadership is determined ...and

THIS is the why we have the problems we suffer with out leaders and their obvious inability.

Let's get together on voting day ...and have SHOOTERS! as we laugh at those misled!
I don't know about you, but I don't go to my church only during the bad times. Maybe Obama does, but I don't. But I'm just a racist bigot whose vote matters less somehow. Oh wait, no it doesn't! Thank you for not voting, you're doing my party a service!

Also, I'm not bitter because the government isn't solving my problems. It's because they're taking my money, and solving stupid people's problems, like the people who went into adjustable rate mortgages 10 years ago. Why do I have to pay for their stupidity?
it disgusts me to know that the democratic party is just crumbling before my eyes. dean Howard and the rest of the dnc should be ashamed to let this buffoonery go on longer!

everything Obama said was true, i use to live in PA so i totally understand what he was trying to say. they are bitter, every single mother, blue collar worker that just lost a job, struggling parents, homeless people, people that just lost their home because of the failed economy HAS EVERY RIGHT TO BE BITTER! and they are!!

the media is just trying to find a way to stop obama in his tracks. the world pretends they are ready for a black president, but behind close doors they shiver at the thought of a black man being above them.

Obama 2008!
Some hard-working Americans find it insulting when rich black presidential candidate explain away things dear to their hearts as desperation. It would be like a white politician telling blacks they cling to charismatic churches to compensate for their plight.

I am really ';BITTER'; about his explanation of the statement.

';And so they pray and they count on each other and they count on their families. You know this in your own lives, and what we need is a government that is actually paying attention. Government that is fighting for working people day in and day out making sure that we are trying to allow them to live out the American dream.';


I don't need obama or the governmen to allow me to live out my American dream.

IT';S MY RIGHT, as a responsible adult to live out the American dream. What I need is the government to stay out of my American dream, and obama to stay out of White House
You don't get it. Obama insulted our fellow Americans in rural parts of America. The point is that Obama said rural people are so dumb they only think they like the bible, guns, and disdain illegal immigration for good reasons. He said that rural people are so dumb they don't really care about the bible, or guns, or if imigrants flood into America illegally. He said that rural people's real issue is that they're upset because they aren't capable of getting good-paying jobs like city folks are capable of doing, and so because rural people are bitter about being unable to get good-paying jobs they vent that bitterness by using the bible as a crutch, using guns as a crutch, and disliking people who are different from rural people. Obama is calling rural people stupid. He's saying they're so stupid they don't even know what they're really upset about and that they don't really care about the bible and they don't like sportman gun shooting, and they just use the bible and guns because they're bitter people who can't get good-paying jobs. Do you understand now?

Obama is falt out wrong and so are you. There are people who really like sportsman gun shooting and who really believe in God and love the bible and it has nothing to do with an inability to get a good-paying job. Is there something wrong with you that you don't realize that there are people who like shooting a gun and there are people who truly believe in and love the bible?
Thanks for saying that!

I don't understand why they take offense when what he said is true. People get bitter when they fall on hard times, what's wrong about saying that?

I think this speech made me realize how much of a realist he is. He's got my vote!!
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