You will both be fine. I hope you got the head of the tick out as well. There are MUCH better ways to remove them then with nail polish? Or did you use nail polish remover? Both are not good to use. There is a very inexpensive tool you can buy at most pet stores to remove them safely. AND best of all is to use a product that will prevent ticks. We use Advantage here in the middle of the country and have never had ONE tick on any of the 4 dogs. Good luck.My dog had 2 ticks on the top of his head. I took them out with some nail polisher and a cuetip.?
Ticks are best removed with a tweezers. You grasp the tick right where the mouth parts are buried in the skin. Lift and pull the tick towards the head. Usually a piece of the keratinized epidermis will come off with the tick. You can drop it in alcohol to kill it.
The danger from ticks would be if you rupture the abdomen of the tick containing the blood.
It is more likely you would get a disease from the tick feeding on you rather than contact with the tick while removing it from the dog. Of couse, washing your hands thoroughly is a good idea.
Prevention is the key to keeping ticks off the dog. Check with your vet about some of the newer treatments that are applied once a month. You may want to treat your lawn with beneficial nematodes that feed on nymphs of fleas and ticks. You should be able to find the nematodes at a plant nursery that handles organic pest control methods.
Relax it was a tick, and you got them, end of story. I dont know what ';tick stuff'; you were talking about getting on your hands, it was nail polish remover that you used was it not. You will be fine so will the dog, Except maybe you could worry yourself to death.
She'll be fine. While dogs and humans CAN get Lyme disease, it's only about 1 in 100 chance of getting it. Maybe even smaller than that. Next time though, just pull the tick straight out and quickly.
Your dog will be fine. Expecially if she is on a preventitive. My neighbors 5 dogs get ticks all of the time. I just pull them out and thats the end of it. Your dog is fine don't worry.
Make sure you got the head as well
Good job
i think u guys will b fine but i would take ur dog to the vet just to make sure that she doesnt have any other ticks
dont worry,your dog wont die. my dog had some but i took it it did survied
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