He used language that speaks volumes in the Middle East which shows that he studied quite a bit before opening his mouth. That alone is change I can appreciate.
Your thoughts?Do you agree that Obama nailed his interview message to the muslim world as well as Al-Q on the head?
It hasn't aired here yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. I think it's a smart political move on his part because Al-Arabiya and Al Jazeera are the two major networks in the Middle East that were focusing on US politics and the Inauguration last week. If he hopes to hit the ground running and make any significant inroads in the Middle East peace process, it makes sense for him to get his message out through the ME media outlets that have been favorable to US politics. This is a refreshing change from past presidents who have waited to the end of their terms to do anything about the ME peace process.Do you agree that Obama nailed his interview message to the muslim world as well as Al-Q on the head?
Before he even won the primary, Obama was sending a clear message on international policy, and it was basically isolationist - as isolationist as you can be in such a globalized world, at any rate. He made it clear that his intent was to disengage as much as possible around the board, and abdicate American influence.
That made him enormously popular among both our allies - who can expect us to hand the baton of international influence over to them - and our enemies, who percieve disengagement as weakness.
I can't imagine that he'll change his attitude much now that he's in the White House. Ingoring international issues and focusing on domestic giveaways is one way to maintain your popularity.
In my opinion if you are talking to rational people, then it is a good thing.
Personally I think Obama is going to find out real quick that radicals don't really care what he thinks or says to them.
He basically said things we've wanted Bush to say for ages.... I used to wonder whether Bush was just a spastic or whether there was serious money against him talking straight sense.
Didn't see it, but doing the interview was a very smart move.
He seems like an intelligent man, but who am I to judge.
Guess we'll have to judge it by the RESULTS huh?
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