Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I CAN'T STOP PICKING MY Pimples And White Heads And Things And Biting My Nails?

It Is So Addicting I cannot stop picking my belmeshes! How Can I stop. And Stop Biting My Nails!!I CAN'T STOP PICKING MY Pimples And White Heads And Things And Biting My Nails?
1. Keep your hands clean at all times. Every time you touch one of those blemishes on your skin, you are spreading the risk for infection. Remember that.

2. Find something useful to do with your hands at all times like knitting, embroidering, drawing or painting.

3. Read some good and interesting books. Self-help books are an idea.

4. Think about how pretty you will look when they all clear up after following my suggestions.I CAN'T STOP PICKING MY Pimples And White Heads And Things And Biting My Nails?
i cant help you with the blemishes. but there is a special nail syrum that you put on your nails that when you start to bite them you get a HORRIBLE taste in your mouth . it really makes you stop biting your nails. it works! you can find the nail stuff at walgreens, ulta or any nail store.
umm will power?
did you know there are itty bitty worms that live under your nails?!?!?

*it helped my friend to stop biting her nails when I told her.*

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