Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it possible I have actually hit the nail on the head this time?

I have posted four questions in two days about which of George W. Bush's many crimes will eventually lead to his impeachment.

Then I provide just a partial listing of those crimes. Real, live, actual CRIMES that bush has committed during his reign of terror.

Each time the question gets deleted.

I think I'm on to something here!

1) Seizing power to wage wars of aggression in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, the U.N. Charter and the rule of law; carrying out a massive assault on and occupation of Iraq, a country that was not threatening the United States, resulting in the death and maiming of hundereds of thousands of Iraqis, and thousands of U.S. G.I.s.

2) Lying to the people of the U.S., to Congress, and to the U.N., providing false and deceptive rationales for war.

3) Authorizing, ordering and condoning direct attacks on civilians, civilian facilities and locations where civilian casualties were unavoidable.Is it possible I have actually hit the nail on the head this time?
From what I understand, the Abuse bit is computerized and it is set to Delete any post that has two or more people complaining about it. Thus, two good buddies can gang together and Delete anything that doesn't agree with their political views. I don't think it has anything to do with the political views of the management.

On any forum, people should have a right to voice their opinions, even if the opposition doesn't agree with them. It is a basic right and what these people are doing is trying to suppress Freedom of Speech. Shame on them.

A forum should be an exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, if you post something that they do not politically agree with, they get together and it is deleted. This is the Republican way. It smacks of Dixie Chicking and Swift Boating. Suppress the opposition any way you can, with no fairness, no morality, no common sense.

We all know the facts you are posting here, and a majority of Americans are upset with them, with the War, with the atrocities, with the failure to follow our Constitution. So, deleting posts will not stop this growing concern, and I suggest these young Deleters do some research on their own, learn the facts and...if they still disagree..state them logically in their replies.

A forum without an exchange of ideas is no forum. If we aren't careful, we will be in a Deleting Contest, with each side deleting the other one's posts. It's silly. It's infantile. It shows lack of intelligence. Let's allow everyone to have their say and leave it at that.Is it possible I have actually hit the nail on the head this time?
Of course you are right...anyone who pays any attention would know that what you have pointed out is factual. Problem is, we would have to impeach Cheney first (no one wants that idiot running the country for any length of time!!!)...and I believe this process is in the beginning stages. Once Cheney is out, then they can go for Bush. GW's offenses are not only impeachable, but should be considered treason against this country!!!!
If at first you get deleted try try again.

MANY MANY PEOPLE agree and have commented on your words. Those that do not can comment as well....those that report.....TELL US...WHO ARE YOU......
So Sugarbear, we aren't allowed to notice or speak when the President breaks the law?

It is beyond insanity that Clinton was impeached and Bush isn't locked up.
How does it get deleted??
And your right but As you can see nothing is being done about it.
Too bad we cannot nail some conservative apologists' heads in the literal sense. Maybe that would ';open up'; their minds, so to speak, to the blatant corruption rampant in this administration.
I think a lot of people agree with you.
I too had once posted a controversial question about Condi Rice and her relationship with the Saudis...namely, the tanker named after her. This question was deleted.

But I am glad your question and dissertation made it through this time. Those of use who are not blinded by party loyalty know this information. Too late to do anything now. If we get rid of Bush, then we have Cheney, if we get rid of Cheney, how far down the chain of command would we have to go to get it right?
It is against policy to ask the same question over and over. THat is why they are getting deleting.
They are all correct, and who do you think is deleting you ,and why? Every one should star this posting!
First thing, %26amp; you know I am on the side of the individual here on Yahoo, this is the P%26amp;S section, your question belongs in the politics %26amp; government section! Second, Although I may not agree with all of the current policies that are in operation at this time during the Bush administration, still I am obligated to back up my nations leaders! It is wrong to use this forum as a means to dowm grade our nations president! Right or wrong, this is why people are deleteing your questions!!!
I think you really are onto something. You had one answerer that I usually agree with on most things, but he does not understand the reason that impeachment is necessary. It is necessary because we have to send a message to those who are corrupting our country with their power hunger and their greed, that we will not tolerate any of this any more. We have to fight back or we will lose our very souls, and the soul of this country. Many of us have already awakened, and we are trying hard to wake up more and more, to join in the fight, because it takes numbers to beat the real enemy. It is sad how many still hang on tenaciously to the status quo, and refuse to see who the real enemy is. *sm*
Yes, why is it getting deleted? Is the moderator a conservative or are they afraid the Bush White House will come after Yahoo and bankrupt them?
Deletion in fact depends on who reviews all you can do is challege it every time. But often they never get back after the 3rd or 4th time. By then its completely out of the system.
Yup! You damn sure hit the nail! You hit the nail, beat the hell out of it, and drove it in the ground. And, now, the blind idiots want to chase you away for daring to shatter their fantasy land.
you just might have.
Bush has a lot to answer to!

I hope this doesn't get deleted!

It's good that you haven't given up trying to get your opinion across, as a lot of people don't know those facts, and won't get to know otherwise!

Keep up the good work!
With a super expensive war going on, we (OUR COUNTRY) cannot afford (neither emotionally nor financially) to go through an expensive %26amp; lenghthy investigation and impeachment procedures again. Remember how much the last one cost? The man has only a year to go, and like several people have pointed out, who wants Cheney to take over? It's better to wait untill they are all out of office %26amp; then prosecute the whole lot, including the so-called ';architecht'; Karl Rove.

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