Thursday, January 21, 2010

What was the name of the woman in the Bible that nailed a mans head to the ground with a tent stake?

Bible trivia =)What was the name of the woman in the Bible that nailed a mans head to the ground with a tent stake?
Her name was Jael. Judges 4:17-21. The judge who ruled Israel in that time, Deborah, (yes, she was a woman) had prophesied that the hand of a woman would bring about Israel's deliverance from their enemies. The man that Jael killed was the leader of Israel's enemies. His name was Sisera.What was the name of the woman in the Bible that nailed a mans head to the ground with a tent stake?
Ya'el. The dude was Holofernes.

It's a great story. :-)
It was Jaal, Heber's wife.

You can find this in the book of Judges 4:19.
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